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The training application is a place where you can manage and analyze training and courses. An end user would be able to apply to take part in courses, request new ones, add feedback, or propose new course dates.

Dashboard #

Like in any other application, the dashboard is the main point of the application. From here you can start the most popular actions or find key information about available training. At the top of the dashboard, you will see statistics about current courses and participants divided into three categories.

Course graduates – here you can find how many participants have graduated this month compared to last month. You can also sign up your employees for any course by pressing the button inside the container.

Active courses – in this part of the application you can find the number of dates planned for courses overall, whether you can sign up for them or not. There is also a possibility of proposing a new date for a course.

Course topics – here is the amount of existing topics of courses. By pressing the button inside the container you can create a new course.

Below statistics you can find useful lists such as:

Documents waiting for your actions – here you will find any document waiting for your action, whether it’s the request waiting to be accepted or participants waiting for your approval to participate in the selected course.

Your requests – the list of trainings requested by you.

Your feedback – here you can find all your reviews of previous trainings.

Upcoming courses – the list of upcoming trainings to which you have signed up.

Available course topics – the list of all courses with available spots. Here you can find the training interesting for you and sign to it by pressing the colored link inside the Signature column.

Courses #

In this part of the application, you can find the complete list of courses, either active or inactive. From here it is pretty simple to choose an interesting topic for you or propose a new one by pressing the button in the top right corner, just above the list. Here, if you have proper privileges, you can also manage curses – add new ones or edit existing ones.

The list consists of information such as course status, topic, category, level of advancement, and the organizer. If you want to check more details, simply press the pink-colored link inside the Signature column. From there you can sign up for a course either by pressing the button in the top right corner “Sign up for this course” or by going into the “Dates” tab and choosing the most suitable date. If no date is suitable for you, click the “Propose a course date” button to choose a new date that will be later accepted or declined by the organizer.


Course dates #

“Course dates” is a list showing the specific dates of courses. If you know what course you are looking for it makes more sense to start in this part of the application and choose the date interesting for you. The list shows you information about the course’s status, subject(name), start date, end date, location, and the organizer.

You can easily search the list by simply clicking one of the fields below the Course label and writing down the name of your desired course. You can also do the same thing with dates.

By pressing the colored link under the “Course” column you can check more details about the particular course date. There you will find the agenda of the meeting as well as the remarks and participants. From this place, you can sign up for a date by clicking the button in your top right corner “Sign up on this date”.


Participants #

This part of the training application will be used mostly by organizers and HR representatives since it contains sensitive data about course participants. It’s a list showing which employees signed up for which course date. The left column shows the participation status, making it easy to distinguish already confirmed participants from those waiting for acceptance. Pressing the colored link under the “Participant” column allows you to view more details about particular participants and accept (or decline) them. To accept a participant press the “Send invitation” button in the top right corner of the screen.

If you have been accepted to a course date, you can confirm your attendance by going into the colored link with your name and pressing the “Confirm attendance at the course” button on the next screen.


Requests #

You don’t have to search through the whole application to make a request. Those can be easily done through the menu. All you have to do is to fill up all the necessary fields. When you finish filling the request, upload it by clicking the colored button in the top right corner of the screen. The request will be later approved or declined by the person responsible. All the changes to your request can be seen through the “Workflow” tab inside the document.

“All requests” is a list of requests, whether they are already accepted, declined, or waiting for a response. You can find here information like request status, the topic of the request, and the organizer. More data can be found after going into a specific request, which can be done by clicking the colored link under the “Signature” column. 

Categories #

If you have admin permissions you can create categories of trainings to make them easier to categorize and find by participants. For example, if your company organizes plenty of courses dedicated to developers you can make an IT category to distinguish those trainings from the ones that may not be that interesting for developers.

Inside the “Categories” tab you can find the list of categories with their names and descriptions.

You can also create a new category from this place by pressing the “New category” button above the list.


Feedback #

Every course can be reviewed after it ends. The “Feedback” tab is a place where all of those reviews are collected.

After taking and confirming your participation in a course, you will be guided to the next workflow step, which is feedback. Both of these actions will be waiting for you to be completed in your Dashboard below the list “Waiting for your action”. Feedback can only be added by employees who participated in the event. 

The list contains information such as: who wrote the feedback, to which course, who was the organizer, what was the evaluation score, and the short review given. If you want to see more details about particular feedback, press the colored link under the “Participant” column.


Analysis #

In the same way, as in any other application, you can analyze the data about training inside the application. You can select what you want to analyze: Training, Requests, or Feedback.

Every one of these tabs shows you the interactive charts with the current data and the list below them. If you want to find out more about a particular aspect, you can click on one of the columns inside the chart. All of the other charts and the list will change according to the aspect selected by you.

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