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Creating filters on the list

This article describes setting filters in Navigator 365.

Filters are used across the platform when creating lists, processes, and charts. It allows a user to narrow the search in the Navigator database and combine data from many database tables without using advanced SQL queries.

General settings – Filter

To set a filter you need to specify whether all filter conditions must be met (And) or it is enough that one of them (Or) will be met. After clicking on the green plus icon, you can select either a single column or a group of columns for which you can also configure AND or OR conditions. By clicking on the empty red rectangle, you can select the column of the list to be filtered. If you are editing an existing list, this red rectangle will contain the column name. Then select a condition operator from the list by clicking the green rectangle.


EQUAL – records that are identical to the given string will be presented

NOT EQUAL – records that are identical to the given string will NOT be presented

IS BLANK – records that contain empty values in the given column will be presented

IS NOT BLANK – records that contain empty values in the given column will NOT be presented

IN – records will be presented if one of the entered values matches the data in the selected column. The IN operator is a shorthand for multiple OR conditions.

The other conditions depend on the data type.

For text data type:

CONTAINS – records that contain part of the specified string will be presented

NOT CONTAINS – records that contain the specified string will NOT be presented

STARTS WITH – records that start with the given string will be presented

ENDS WITH – records that end with the given string will be presented

For datetime and numeric data type:

LESS THAN – records that are less than the value on the right will be presented

GREATER THAN – records that are greater than the value on the right will be presented

LESS THAN OR EQUAL – records that are less than or equal to the value on the right will be presented

GREATER THAN OR EQUAL – records that are greater than or equal to the value on the right will be presented

For workflow history:

ANY OF – records that contain any value entered in the field on the right will be presented

NOT ANY OF – records that contain any value entered in the field on the right will NOT be presented

CONTAINS ALL – records that contain all the values entered in the field on the right will be presented

NOT CONTAINS ALL – records that contain all the values entered in the field on the right will NOT be presented

Now, in the yellow rectangle, select whether the list should be filtered by a single value (Value), by a configured condition with variables using @mentions (Variable), or (for the DateTime data type) by the function (Function)

VALUE – After selecting this option, a field with the type specified by data type will appear, where you can choose the needed value

VARIABLE – You can enter a SQL query and mention variables by clicking on the ‘@’ icon

FUNCTION – You can select a function from the list and then enter its arguments in the field that appears on the right. For example: if you select the This day function and enter -7 as the argument, the condition will take the date that was a week ago for calculations.

System Versions

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