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News in the 1.9 version

Gantt charts #

A new chart type – Gantt has been added. It is a very useful tool to present tasks and the progress of activities inside the project. It is now a standard chart type to choose from charts when creating a form.

Public processes #

In addition to making forms and lists public or shared with specific applications, we have now added the same feature for sharing processes. It is now possible to share a process with other applications and create connections between them. To set it is similar to the way we do it when making forms and lists sharable.

New action – Create or update #

This new action is to be used when we want a system to check the list of documents and at the same time update the records if exist and create new ones if they don’t exist on the list.

To use it we select a list of documents, filter it with a specific condition (this example – only documents with Code=USD), and define fields to update or create. In this example, the system will first check if a currency with the code USA exists, then either create it or update the existing one.

New action – Delete document #

This action is to be used when we want to delete a document during the process or create a specific button to delete the document. In settings, we choose between 3 options. The process can delete:

  • Current document – the document we are working on will be deleted
  • Related document – the document from the list based attribute on the current form
  • Documents from other activity – the document created in the process

Checkbox: Permanently delete the document, gives the user the option whether to delete it permanently or move it to the trash for 30 days.

Notice that when deleting the current document with this action you cannot perform any following actions on this document as it has been deleted. After performing this action the document view will stay the same even though it has been deleted.

Application visibility #

From the 1.9 version, it is possible to set specific conditions for the visibility of the application. In the section Application Visibility in the General application tab (Settings), we can now choose users and groups of users for whom the application will be visible. It is important to note that having permissions to the document from the application is sufficient to open and edit this document however without added visibility the user will not see the entire application – just the document. Also, application administrators can view the application even though there are not listed in the visibility section. This feature allows better management of permissions in the organization.

Following this change menu elements in the application can now inherit the permissions (visibility) from the parent menu item or the entire application. However, It is also possible to set menu permissions separately for different users as before.

Trash – automatic empty #

When deleting documents in the system they are all stored in the Trash – in the module in the System application. There is now an automatic system action of permanently deleting documents older than 30 days to not overload this module.

Filters added to configuration lists #

A new feature has been added to the configuration lists. When editing an application we have now the option to filter columns of our forms, lists, and processes we use inside the application. It is a useful update when creating more complex applications with many elements.

System Versions

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