In NAVIGATOR365 only a User with Add permissions to a User form or an administrator of the System application can add new users so it is important to decide who is an administrator with this permission.
How to add a new user #
Enter the application System, choose Users, and in the right top corner choose the button New user. To add a new user you have to fill all required fields marked with color and others can be filled later.
After filling in all required fields First name, Last name, and Email switch to the second tab Settings, and add a Login and Password.
After creating the new user, the system sends a verification email to the user. The user has to confirm the email address by clicking the link in the activation mail. After this operation the account becomes active.
From this moment the new user can log in to the system with a new login and password.
It is a good practice to ask users to change their password after the first login. You can read how to do it here.
There are more settings available to users:
Groups – here we enter the groups in the company we want a user to be assigned to. In practice, the group can be a department in the company for example Controlling Dept. To have groups available we need to add them to the list of groups when setting the structure of the company. To add enter a list of User groups in the System application.
Can add applications – When ticked the user has permission to create new applications in the system as an operator
Can switch users – When ticked the user has permission to switch between users in the system. This is important for a high administrative role like Super Admin as it gives the ability to work as any user of the system without knowing a password. It should only be granted and used to test the system.
Anonymous user – When ticked the user becomes set as an anonymous user. It is mostly used to create anonymous forms available outside the system. In short Anonymous users can use specific forms without logging in however has no permission to added documents – ex. new job application. You can learn more about this functionality from Navigator 365 Academy tutorials here.
Deleting users #
Sometimes there is a need to delete a user from the system as no longer required. To do it enter the list of Users and in the menu choose to delete or tick a user and use the button in the right top corner. The system will ask for a double-check of the decision.
It is important to understand that the person with permission to delete gets the permissions from being an administrator of the System application as well as having Full control permissions to the User form. Permissions work here the same way as to any other document in the system and you can read more about setting permission here.
Administrators can add and have in the system only as many users as the license maximum user limit allows. To add more users you can extend your license by contacting the help team or your implementation contact. If the system is bought through online purchase you can log in to your stripe account and purchase new license users to an existing license.