Workflow automation

Advanced logic

Design end to end workflows, automate processes

Design simple and advanced processes with BPMN notation. Integrate workflows with the forms. Automate processes with


Process design

Design processes by drawing diagrams in BPMN notation

Everyone refers to BPMN. Sooner or later you will get a process designed in this notation to implement. We figured that going other (even simpler) ways is not efficient in the long run. The platform uses control – one of the best on the market.


Manage tasks across the whole process

User tasks are created as the process runs. Process can cooperate with form or work as stand-alone. If process is form-based you may require users to fill certain fields.

Process automation

Design automation through actions

When designing a process, you can use a variety of actions that are performed automatically. Some of them work inside the platform, others perform actions on other systems. You can also design fully automated processes by using only automatic actions.


Document automation

Creating Word and PDF documents has never been so easy

You can design perfect looking document templates straight in MS Word. During the process, the system will download data from the form and insert it into the template. As a result, you will get PDF or Word documents. This is one of the simplest and most spectacular examples of automation.


Digital signature

Sign documents with a qualified signature directly in the system

The system supports any type of qualified signature. Its implementation is very simple. You mark that the given approval requires a signature and … that’s it. During the process, the system will ask the user to select a certificate on his computer that will be used for signing.


Process variables

Pass data between tasks using variables

Often in a process you want to save the result of a given step in order to use it for further processing in the next. Thanks to the process variables, you can do it in a very intuitive and transparent way.



Even complex logic can be transparent

Breaking up the process into smaller pieces makes sense for two reasons. First, certain parts of the process can be used multiple times. Second, the main process is much more readable.


Triggers and schedules

Autonomous processes take care of themselves

Processes can be run according to a schedule (e.g. every day 8 a.m.) or using triggers (e.g. receiving an e-mail). In each case, you can see the performance history.

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