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News in the 2.1 version

User substitution system list #

There is now a system list grouping all active substitutions. The list clearly shows planned absences and substitutions with details of users involved and dates.

DocuSign integration #

Navigator365 is now integrated with electronic signature provider DocuSign. All settings come from DocuSign API settings such as ClientID, Private Key, and Impersonated user ID. DocuSign account is required.

When the signature is configured and enabled in the attachment field, a simple button is available to sign the document by redirecting to DocuSign and returning to Navigator365 with a signed file in the attachments.

Action after QR/barcode scan #

An action available under the button field has been extended with the possibility of running another process after the scan is performed. Besides setting the target element where the scanned value is saved the user can choose a process in the Automatically run process dropdown field.

Generate QR code #

A new action in the process has been added to generate QR codes. The value of the code is based on the mentioned field (Data) and the user has the option to incorporate the logo inside the QR and save it in a specified location on the form or in variables to be used later in the process and automation.

API KEY in webhooks #

A new security level has been added when creating process triggers with a webhook. From version 2.1 users can generate a unique API KEY to add extra security when sending requests to Navigator365 API webhooks.

Import/export of a single process and form #

Importing and exporting have been extended to a single process or a single form. Now the user can use and rebuild a process or form already created in another application. Changes in the settings are usually required however it quickens work by eliminating building large forms or long processes from scratch.


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